Elektra  0.8.23
kdb-find-tools(1) -- The tool for finding tools

kdb find-tools [-h] [–warnings] [–good] [–alltags] [-n NAME] [-a AUTHOR] [-d DATE] [-t TAGS [TAGS ...]] [-b BRIEF] [-e EXECUTE]


If you are looking for a tool, then you have found the right tool to find tools! kdb find-tools provides search and list functionality for tools.

Just enter kdb find-tools to get a list of names, type and short description of all available tools.

If you are looking for something special, then there are two ways:

  1. Tag Search: Type kdb find-tools --alltags to get a list of all Tags in use. Then you can search with kdb -t [TAGS [TAGS ...]]
  2. Full Text Search:
    • kdb find-tools -n NAME to search for a script name.
    • kdb find-tools -b BRIEF to search for a short text.
    • kdb find-tools -a AUTHOR to search for a author.
    • kdb find-tools -d DATE to search for a creation date.
    • kdb find-tools -e EXECUTE to search for a type.

All methods can be combined. For example if you search all bash scripts which do some configuration work. You can type kdb find-tools -t configuration -e bash.

The right Way to add your script to the find tools

Meta Tags as comments in the beginning of a script are parsed. Mate Tags start with an @, here is a list of all Meta Tags:

MetaTag Meaning
@author Names and Emails (in <>) of the Authors as comma separated list
@brief A Short Description (One Line!)
@tags Comma Separated List of Tags, there is a list of common tags below
@date Date when the script was created, use DD.MM.YYYY as format

Do not mind the '\' at the beginning it is a doxygen escaping.

Beware, that these metatags should be applied at the beginning of the file (in the first 10 rows)!


List of Common Tags:

@tags Description
configure This script is used for the build configuration
convert This script is used convert things
generator This script is a generator
creator This script creates things
env This script does some env stuff
mount This script mounts things
reformat This script reformats things
debian Special script for debian system

If you choose to add a tag to the @tags then do not forget to add it in the tags map of the find-tools script and in the table here.


        <Start of File>
        # @author Kurt Micheli <kurt.micheli@libelektra.org>
        # @brief This is a example
        # @date 01.06.2016
        # @tags configure, creator, arch


The Metatag System of Epydoc is used (http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/manual-fields.html#module-metadata-variables) and extended with special tags.