Elektra  0.8.24
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NkdbThis is the main namespace for the C++ binding and libraries
 NtoolsThis namespace is for the libtool library
 CMergingKDBProvides a merging wrapper around a KDB instance
 CBackendA low-level representation of the backend (= set of plugins) that can be mounted
 CBackendBuilderHighlevel interface to build a backend
 CBackendBuilderInitUsed as argument of constructor of *BackendBuilder
 CBackendFactoryFactory for MountBackendInterface
 CBackendInfoInfo about a backend
 CBackendInterfaceMinimal interface to add plugins
 CBackendsAllows one to list backends
 CErrorPluginsPlugins to handle errors during configuration access
 CGetPluginsPlugins to get configuration
 CGlobalPluginsLow level representation of global plugins
 CGlobalPluginsBuilderBuild global plugins
 CImportExportBackendBackend for import/export functionality
 CMockPluginDatabaseA plugin database that works with added fake data
 CModulesAllows one to load plugins
 CModulesPluginDatabaseA plugin database that works with installed modules
 CMountBackendBuilderHigh-level functionality to build a mountpoint
 CMountBackendInterfaceInterface to work with mountpoints (backends) for factory
 CPluginThis is a C++ representation of a plugin
 CPluginAdderAdds plugins in a generic map
 CPluginDatabaseLoads all plugins and allows us to query them
 CPluginsA collection of plugins (either get, set or error)
 CPluginSpecSpecifies a plugin by its name and configuration
 CPluginSpecHashOnly to be used with PluginSpecName!
 CSerializeInterfaceInterface to serialize a backend
 CSetPluginsPlugins to set configuration
 CSpecBackendBuilderBuild individual backend while reading specification
 CSpecReaderHighlevel interface to build a backend from specification
 CToolExceptionAll exceptions from the elektratools library are derived from this exception
 CCommandUsed by contexts for callbacks (to run code using a mutex)
 CContextProvides a context for configuration
 CContextPolicyIsNeeded by the user to set one of the policies
 CCoordinatorThread safe coordination of ThreadContext per Threads
 CDefaultGetPolicyImplements lookup with spec
 CDefaultSetPolicyImplements creating user/ key when key is not found
 CGetPolicyIsNeeded by the user to set one of the policies
 CKDBConstructs a class KDB.
 CKeyKey is an essential class that encapsulates key name , value and metainfo .
 CKeySetA keyset holds together a set of keys
 CKeySetIteratorFor C++ forward Iteration over KeySets
 CKeySetReverseIteratorFor C++ reverse Iteration over KeySets
 CLayerBase class for all layers
 CLockPolicyIsNeeded by the user to set one of the policies
 CNameIteratorFor C++ forward Iteration over Names
 CNameReverseIteratorFor C++ reverse Iteration over Names
 Cnone_tThis type is being used as bottom type that always fails
 CObserverPolicyIsNeeded by the user to set one of the policies
 CPerContextA data structure that is stored by context inside the Coordinator
 CSetPolicyIsNeeded by the user to set one of the policies
 CThreadSubjectSubject from Observer pattern for ThreadContext
 CVaAllocNeeded to avoid constructor ambiguity
 CValueObserverBase class for values to be observed
 CWrappedEverything implementing this interface can be used as layer
 CWritePolicyIsNeeded by the user to set one of the policies
 CElektraThe JNA interface to libelektra
 CKDBRepresents session with the Key database
 CKeyKey is an essential class that encapsulates key name , value and metainfo
 CKeyNameIteratorAn Iterator over a Key's name parts, separated by /
 CKeySetA keyset holds together a set of keys
 CKeySetIteratorAn Iterator over a KeySet resulting in Keys
 CPluginThis is a Java representation of a plugin
 NstdSTL namespace
 Chash< kdb::Key >Support for putting Key in a hash
 CDocBindingData[kdbio operation data]
 CDocOperationData[kdbio operation data]
 COpmphmThe opmphm
 COpmphmEdgeThe r-uniform r-partite hypergraph
 CSomeIoLibHandleExample I/O management library data structure