Files | |
file | mergetestutils.cpp |
Implements a helper class for merge related tests. | |
file | testtool_automergestrategy.cpp |
Tests for the AutoMergeStrategy. | |
file | testtool_backend.cpp |
Tests for the Backend class. | |
file | testtool_backendbuilder.cpp |
Tests for the Backend builder class. | |
file | testtool_backendparser.cpp |
Tests for the Backend parser class. | |
file | testtool_comparison.cpp |
Tests for the comparison helper. | |
file | testtool_keyhelper.cpp |
Tests for the key helper. | |
file | testtool_mergecases.cpp |
Tests for the ThreeWayMerge. | |
file | testtool_mergeresult.cpp |
Tests for the Mergeresult class. | |
file | testtool_mergingkdb.cpp |
Tests for MergingKDB. | |
file | testtool_metamergestrategy.cpp |
Tests for the MetaMergeStrategy. | |
file | testtool_newkeystrategy.cpp |
Tests for the NewKeyStrategy. | |
file | testtool_onesidestrategy.cpp |
Tests for the OneSideStrategy. | |
file | testtool_plugindatabase.cpp |
Tests for the plugindatabase class and implementations of it. | |
file | testtool_pluginspec.cpp |
Tests for the pluginspec class. | |
file | testtool_samemountpoint.cpp |
Tests for the Backend class. | |
file | testtool_specreader.cpp |
Tests for the spec readerclass. | |
file | testtool_umount.cpp |
Tests for the umount. | |