Elektra  0.9.1
Macros | Enumerations | Functions
kdbprivate.h File Reference

Private declarations. More...

#include <elektra.h>
#include <elektra/error.h>
#include <kdb.h>
#include <kdbextension.h>
#include <kdbhelper.h>
#include <kdbio.h>
#include <kdbmacros.h>
#include <kdbnotificationinternal.h>
#include <kdbplugin.h>
#include <kdbproposal.h>
#include <kdbtypes.h>
#include <kdbglobal.h>
#include <limits.h>
Include dependency graph for kdbprivate.h:
This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


#define KEYSET_SIZE   16
 The minimal allocation size of a keyset inclusive NULL byte. More...
#define NR_OF_PLUGINS   10
 How many plugins can exist in an backend. More...
#define COMMIT_PLUGIN   7
 The index of the commit plugin.
#define STORAGE_PLUGIN   5
 The index of the storage plugin.
 The index of the resolver plugin.
 Trie optimization.
#define MAX_LEN_INT   31
 The maximum of how many characters an integer needs as decimal number. More...
#define KDB_SYSTEM_ELEKTRA   "system/elektra"
 Backend mounting information. More...
#define KDB_CACHE_PREFIX   "system/elektra/cache"
 All keys below this are used for cache metadata in the global keyset.
#define test_bit(var, bit)   ((var) & (bit))
 Test a bit. More...
#define set_bit(var, bit)   ((var) |= (bit))
 Set a bit. More...
#define clear_bit(var, bit)   ((var) &= ~(bit))
 Clear a bit. More...


enum  keyflag_t {
  KEY_FLAG_SYNC = 1, KEY_FLAG_RO_NAME = 1 << 1, KEY_FLAG_RO_VALUE = 1 << 2, KEY_FLAG_RO_META = 1 << 3,
 Key Flags. More...
enum  ksflag_t { KS_FLAG_SYNC = 1, KS_FLAG_MMAP_STRUCT = 1 << 2, KS_FLAG_MMAP_ARRAY = 1 << 3 }
 Ks Flags. More...
enum  splitflag_t { SPLIT_FLAG_SYNC = 1, SPLIT_FLAG_CASCADING = 1 << 1 }


Split * splitNew (void)
 Allocates a new split object. More...
void splitDel (Split *keysets)
 Delete a split object. More...
void splitRemove (Split *split, size_t where)
 Remove one part of split. More...
ssize_t splitAppend (Split *split, Backend *backend, Key *parentKey, int syncbits)
 Increases the size of split and appends a new empty keyset. More...
int splitBuildup (Split *split, KDB *handle, Key *parentKey)
 Walks through kdb->split and adds all backends below parentKey to split. More...
void splitUpdateFileName (Split *split, KDB *handle, Key *key)
 Update the (configuration) file name for the parent key. More...
int splitAppoint (Split *split, KDB *handle, KeySet *ks)
 Appoints all keys from ks to yet unsynced splits. More...
int splitGet (Split *split, Key *warningKey, KDB *handle)
 Does some work after getting of backends is finished. More...
int splitMergeBackends (Split *split, KeySet *dest)
 Merges together the backend based parts of split into dest, but bypasses the default split. More...
int splitMergeDefault (Split *split, KeySet *dest)
 Merges the default split into dest. More...
int splitDivide (Split *split, KDB *handle, KeySet *ks)
 Splits up the keysets and search for a sync bit in every key. More...
int splitSync (Split *split)
 Add sync bits everywhere keys were removed/added. More...
void splitPrepare (Split *split)
 Prepares for kdbSet() mainloop afterwards. More...
int splitUpdateSize (Split *split)
 Also update sizes after kdbSet() to recognize multiple kdbSet() attempts. More...
Backend * backendOpen (KeySet *elektra_config, KeySet *modules, KeySet *global, Key *errorKey)
 Builds a backend out of the configuration supplied from: More...
Backend * backendOpenDefault (KeySet *modules, KeySet *global, const char *file, Key *errorKey)
 Opens a default backend using the plugin named KDB_RESOLVER and KDB_STORAGE. More...
Backend * backendOpenModules (KeySet *modules, KeySet *global, Key *errorKey)
Backend * backendOpenVersion (KeySet *global, Key *errorKey)
 Opens the internal version backend. More...
int backendUpdateSize (Backend *backend, Key *parent, int size)
 Update internal size in backend. More...
Plugin * elektraPluginOpen (const char *backendname, KeySet *modules, KeySet *config, Key *errorKey)
 Opens a plugin. More...
int elektraProcessPlugin (Key *cur, int *pluginNumber, char **pluginName, char **referenceName, Key *errorKey)
int elektraProcessPlugins (Plugin **plugins, KeySet *modules, KeySet *referencePlugins, KeySet *config, KeySet *systemConfig, KeySet *global, Key *errorKey)
 Load a plugin. More...
size_t elektraPluginGetFunction (Plugin *plugin, const char *name)
 Retrieves a function exported by a plugin. More...
Plugin * elektraPluginFindGlobal (KDB *handle, const char *pluginName)
 Searches the global plugins for a given plugin name. More...
int trieClose (Trie *trie, Key *errorKey)
 Closes the trie and all opened backends within. More...
Backend * trieLookup (Trie *trie, const Key *key)
 The Trie structure. More...
Trie * trieInsert (Trie *trie, const char *name, Backend *value)
 Insert into trie. More...
int mountOpen (KDB *kdb, KeySet *config, KeySet *modules, Key *errorKey)
 Creates a trie from a given configuration. More...
int mountDefault (KDB *kdb, KeySet *modules, int inFallback, Key *errorKey)
 Reopens the default backend and mounts the default backend if needed. More...
int mountModules (KDB *kdb, KeySet *modules, Key *errorKey)
 Mount all module configurations. More...
int mountVersion (KDB *kdb, Key *errorKey)
 Mount the version backend. More...
int mountBackend (KDB *kdb, Backend *backend, Key *errorKey)
 Mounts a backend into the trie. More...
Key * mountGetMountpoint (KDB *handle, const Key *where)
 Lookup a mountpoint in a handle for a specific key. More...
Backend * mountGetBackend (KDB *handle, const Key *key)
 Lookup a backend handle for a specific key. More...
Key * elektraKsPopAtCursor (KeySet *ks, cursor_t pos)
 Pop key at given cursor position. More...
ssize_t elektraMemcpy (Key **array1, Key **array2, size_t size)
 Internal Methods for Elektra. More...
ssize_t elektraMemmove (Key **array1, Key **array2, size_t size)
 Copies the key array2 into where array1 points. More...
int elektraValidateKeyName (const char *name, size_t size)
 Validates whether the supplied keyname is valid. More...
KeySet * ksRenameKeys (KeySet *config, const char *name)
 Takes the first key and cuts off this common part for all other keys, instead name will be prepended. More...
ElektraError * elektraErrorCreate (const char *code, const char *description, const char *module, const char *file, kdb_long_t line)
 Creates a new ElektraError using the provided values. More...
void elektraErrorAddWarning (ElektraError *error, ElektraError *warning)
 Adds a warning to an existing ElektraError struct. More...
ElektraError * elektraErrorFromKey (Key *key)
 Extracts the error and all warnings from the given key. More...
ElektraError * elektraErrorKeyNotFound (const char *keyname)
 Creates a "Key not found" error. More...
ElektraError * elektraErrorWrongType (const char *keyname, KDBType expectedType, KDBType actualType)
 Creates a "Wrong type" error. More...
ElektraError * elektraErrorNullError (const char *function)
 Creates a "Null error argument" error. More...
ElektraError * elektraErrorEnsureFailed (const char *reason)
 Creates a "kdbEnsure failed" error. More...
ElektraError * elektraErrorMinimalValidationFailed (const char *function)
 Creates a "minimal validation failed" error. More...

Detailed Description

Private declarations.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ clear_bit

#define clear_bit (   var,
)    ((var) &= ~(bit))

Clear a bit.

See also


#define KDB_SYSTEM_ELEKTRA   "system/elektra"

Backend mounting information.

This key directory tells you where each backend is mounted to which mountpoint.


#define KEYSET_SIZE   16

The minimal allocation size of a keyset inclusive NULL byte.

ksGetAlloc() will return one less because it says how much can actually be stored.


#define MAX_LEN_INT   31

The maximum of how many characters an integer needs as decimal number.


#define NR_OF_PLUGINS   10

How many plugins can exist in an backend.

◆ set_bit

#define set_bit (   var,
)    ((var) |= (bit))

Set a bit.

See also

◆ test_bit

#define test_bit (   var,
)    ((var) & (bit))

Test a bit.

See also
set_bit(), clear_bit()

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ keyflag_t

enum keyflag_t

Key Flags.

Store a synchronizer state so that the Elektra knows if something has changed or not.


Key need sync. If name, value or metadata are changed this flag will be set, so that the backend will sync the key to database.


Read only flag for name. Key name is read only and not allowed to be changed. All attempts to change the name will lead to an error. Needed for metakeys and keys that are in a data structure that depends on name ordering.


Read only flag for value. Key value is read only and not allowed to be changed. All attempts to change the value will lead to an error. Needed for metakeys


Read only flag for meta. Key meta is read only and not allowed to be changed. All attempts to change the value will lead to an error. Needed for metakeys.


Key struct lies inside a mmap region. This flag is set for Keys inside a mapped region. It prevents erroneous free() calls on these keys.


Key name lies inside a mmap region. This flag is set once a Key name has been moved to a mapped region, and is removed if the name moves out of the mapped region. It prevents erroneous free() calls on these keys.


Key value lies inside a mmap region. This flag is set once a Key value has been moved to a mapped region, and is removed if the value moves out of the mapped region. It prevents erroneous free() calls on these keys.

◆ ksflag_t

enum ksflag_t

Ks Flags.

Store a synchronizer state so that the Elektra knows if something has changed or not.


KeySet need sync. If keys were popped from the Keyset this flag will be set, so that the backend will sync the keys to database.


KeySet struct lies inside a mmap region. This flag is set for KeySets inside a mapped region. It prevents erroneous free() calls on these KeySets.


Array of the KeySet lies inside a mmap region. This flag is set for KeySets where the array is in a mapped region, and is removed if the array is moved out from the mapped region. It prevents erroneous free() calls on these arrays.

◆ splitflag_t


KeySet in Split need sync. Is there any key in there which need to be synced? If keys were popped from the Keyset this flag will be set, so that the backend will sync the keys to database.


Do we need relative checks? Is this a cascading backend?

Function Documentation

◆ backendOpen()

Backend* backendOpen ( KeySet *  elektraConfig,
KeySet *  modules,
KeySet *  global,
Key *  errorKey 

Builds a backend out of the configuration supplied from:


The root key must be like the above example. You do not need to rewind the keyset. But every key must be below the root key.

The internal consistency will be checked in this function. If necessary parts are missing, like no plugins, they cant be loaded or similar 0 will be returned.

ksCut() is perfectly suitable for cutting out the configuration like needed.

The given KeySet will be deleted within the function, don't use it afterwards.
elektraConfigthe configuration to work with. It is used to build up this backend.
modulesused to load new modules or get references to existing one
globalthe global keyset of the KDB instance
errorKeythe key where an error and warnings are added
a pointer to a freshly allocated backend this could be the requested backend or a so called "missing backend".
Return values
0if out of memory

◆ backendOpenDefault()

Backend* backendOpenDefault ( KeySet *  modules,
KeySet *  global,
const char *  file,
Key *  errorKey 

Opens a default backend using the plugin named KDB_RESOLVER and KDB_STORAGE.

modulesthe modules to work with
globalthe global keyset of the KDB instance
errorKeythe key to issue warnings and errors to
the fresh allocated default backend or 0 if it failed

◆ backendOpenModules()

Backend* backendOpenModules ( KeySet *  modules,
KeySet *  global,
Key *  errorKey 
a backend which gives plugin configuration of the module which is currently point to.
modulesthe modules to work with
globalthe global keyset of the KDB instance
errorKeythe key to issue warnings and errors to

◆ backendOpenVersion()

Backend* backendOpenVersion ( KeySet *  global,
Key *  errorKey 

Opens the internal version backend.

globalthe global keyset of the KDB instance
errorKeythe key to issue warnings and errors to
the fresh allocated default backend or 0 if it failed

◆ backendUpdateSize()

int backendUpdateSize ( Backend *  backend,
Key *  parent,
int  size 

Update internal size in backend.

backendthe backend to update
parentfor parent
sizeto update (-1 default, 0 empty, >0 otherwise)
parent must be serializable namespace
Return values
-1if invalid parent (assert)
0on success

◆ elektraErrorAddWarning()

void elektraErrorAddWarning ( ElektraError *  error,
ElektraError *  warning 

Adds a warning to an existing ElektraError struct.

If you want to report a warning without an error, create a dummy error with elektraErrorPureWarning() and then add a warning to it.

errorThe error to which warning shall be added.
warningThe warning to add. Once added it is owned by error. DO NOT call elektraErrorReset() on it afterwards.

◆ elektraErrorCreate()

ElektraError* elektraErrorCreate ( const char *  code,
const char *  description,
const char *  module,
const char *  file,
kdb_long_t  line 

Creates a new ElektraError using the provided values.

The returned value will be allocated with elektraCalloc().

codeThe error code of the error. Must be compile-time constant.
descriptionThe description of the error. Will be copied and stored in the struct.
moduleThe module that raised the error. Must be compile-time constant.
fileThe file that raised the error. Must be compile-time constant.
lineThe line in which the error was raised.
A newly allocated ElektraError (free with elektraErrorReset()).

◆ elektraErrorEnsureFailed()

ElektraError* elektraErrorEnsureFailed ( const char *  reason)

Creates a "kdbEnsure failed" error.

This intended for the case when kdbEnsure() returns 1.

reasonThe error/reason metadata returned by kdbEnsure().
A newly allocated ElektraError (free with elektraErrorReset()).

◆ elektraErrorFromKey()

ElektraError* elektraErrorFromKey ( Key *  key)

Extracts the error and all warnings from the given key.

If no error exists, a pure warning error will be used.

See also
keyThe to extract error and warnings from.
A newly allocated ElektraError (free with elektraErrorReset()).

◆ elektraErrorKeyNotFound()

ElektraError* elektraErrorKeyNotFound ( const char *  keyname)

Creates a "Key not found" error.

keynameThe name of the key that wasn't found.
A newly allocated ElektraError (free with elektraErrorReset()).

◆ elektraErrorMinimalValidationFailed()

ElektraError* elektraErrorMinimalValidationFailed ( const char *  application)

Creates a "minimal validation failed" error.

applicationparent key as passed to elektraOpen()
A newly allocated ElektraError (free with elektraErrorReset()).

◆ elektraErrorNullError()

ElektraError* elektraErrorNullError ( const char *  function)

Creates a "Null error argument" error.

functionThe name of the function that was called with a null pointer error argument.
A newly allocated ElektraError (free with elektraErrorReset()).

◆ elektraErrorWrongType()

ElektraError* elektraErrorWrongType ( const char *  keyname,
KDBType  expectedType,
KDBType  actualType 

Creates a "Wrong type" error.

keynameThe name of the key that had the wrong type.
expectedTypeThe type that was expected.
actualTypeThe type that was actually found.
A newly allocated ElektraError (free with elektraErrorReset()).

◆ elektraKsPopAtCursor()

Key* elektraKsPopAtCursor ( KeySet *  ks,
cursor_t  pos 

Pop key at given cursor position.

ksthe keyset to pop key from
cwhere to pop

The internal cursor will be rewinded using ksRewind(). You can use ksGetCursor() and ksSetCursor() jump back to the previous position. e.g. to pop at current position within ksNext() loop:

cursor_t c = ksGetCursor(ks);
ksSetCursor(ks, c);
ksPrev(ks); // to have correct key after next ksNext()
do not use, will be superseded by external iterator API
the popped key
Return values
0if ks is 0

◆ elektraMemcpy()

ssize_t elektraMemcpy ( Key **  array1,
Key **  array2,
size_t  size 

Internal Methods for Elektra.

To use them:

#include <kdbinternal.h>

There are some areas where libraries have to reimplement some basic functions to archive support for non-standard systems, for testing purposes or to provide a little more convenience.Copies the key array2 into where array1 points. It copies size elements.

Overlapping is prohibited, use elektraMemmove() instead.

array1the destination
array2the source
sizehow many pointer to Keys to copy
Return values
-1on null pointers
0if nothing was done
size how many keys were copied

◆ elektraMemmove()

ssize_t elektraMemmove ( Key **  array1,
Key **  array2,
size_t  size 

Copies the key array2 into where array1 points.

It copies size elements.

Overlapping is ok. If they do not overlap consider elektraMemcpy() instead.

array1the destination
array2the source
sizehow many pointer to Keys to copy
Return values
-1on null pointers
0if nothing was done
size how many keys were copied

◆ elektraPluginFindGlobal()

Plugin* elektraPluginFindGlobal ( KDB *  handle,
const char *  pluginName 

Searches the global plugins for a given plugin name.

NOTE: if the list plugin occupies the prerollback position, this queries the list plugin first, and only if we don't find anything there, we look directly in the global plugins array

handleThe KDB handle to search
pluginNameThe plugin name to look for
the plugin handle, if found or NULL otherwise

◆ elektraPluginGetFunction()

size_t elektraPluginGetFunction ( Plugin *  plugin,
const char *  name 

Retrieves a function exported by a plugin.

pluginPlugin handle
nameFunction name
Pointer to function. NULL if function not found or not enough memory available

◆ elektraPluginOpen()

Plugin* elektraPluginOpen ( const char *  name,
KeySet *  modules,
KeySet *  config,
Key *  errorKey 

Opens a plugin.

The config will be used as is. So be sure to transfer ownership of the config to it, with e.g. ksDup(). elektraPluginClose() will delete the config.

a pointer to a new created plugin or 0 on error

◆ elektraProcessPlugin()

int elektraProcessPlugin ( Key *  cur,
int *  pluginNumber,
char **  pluginName,
char **  referenceName,
Key *  errorKey 
Return values
1and an allocated string of the pluginName if a new plugins should be created.
2and an allocated string of the referenceName if an old plugin should be used
3and both if a new plugin should be created and made available for later back referencing.
-1on error

◆ elektraProcessPlugins()

int elektraProcessPlugins ( Plugin **  plugins,
KeySet *  modules,
KeySet *  referencePlugins,
KeySet *  config,
KeySet *  systemConfig,
KeySet *  global,
Key *  errorKey 

Load a plugin.

The array of plugins must be set to 0. Its length is NR_OF_PLUGINS.

systemConfig will only be used, not deleted.

configthe config with the information how the plugins should be put together
systemConfigthe shared (system) config for the plugins. Every plugin additional get this config.
globalthe global keyset of the KDB instance
Return values
-1on failure

◆ elektraValidateKeyName()

int elektraValidateKeyName ( const char *  name,
size_t  size 

Validates whether the supplied keyname is valid.

The function looks for tangling escape characters in the end and for a minimum length.

Does not check for valid namespaces

size must be at least 2
namethe key name that is to be checked
sizea elektraStrLen of the key name
Return values
trueif the supplied keyname part is valid
falseif its invalid

◆ mountBackend()

int mountBackend ( KDB *  kdb,
Backend *  backend,
Key *  errorKey 

Mounts a backend into the trie.

user must pass correctly allocated backend
sets reference counter of backend
in case of init and default backends, the reference counter needs to be modified after calling mountBackend.
kdbthe handle to work with
backendthe backend to mount
errorKeythe key used to report warnings
Return values
-1on failure
1on success

◆ mountDefault()

int mountDefault ( KDB *  kdb,
KeySet *  modules,
int  inFallback,
Key *  errorKey 

Reopens the default backend and mounts the default backend if needed.

Default Backend is closed. mountOpen was executed before.
kdbthe handle to work with
modulesthe current list of loaded modules
errorKeythe key used to report warnings
Return values
-1on error
0on success

◆ mountGetBackend()

Backend* mountGetBackend ( KDB *  handle,
const Key *  key 

Lookup a backend handle for a specific key.

The required canonical name is ensured by using a key as parameter, which will transform the key to canonical representation.

Will return handle when no more specific KDB could be found.

If key is 0 or invalid the default backend will be returned.

handleis the data structure, where the mounted directories are saved.
keythe key, that should be looked up.
the backend handle associated with the key

◆ mountGetMountpoint()

Key* mountGetMountpoint ( KDB *  handle,
const Key *  where 

Lookup a mountpoint in a handle for a specific key.

Will return a key representing the mountpoint or null if there is no appropriate mountpoint e.g. its the root mountpoint.

Key * key = keyNew ("system/template");
KDB * handle = kdbOpen();
Key *mountpoint=0;
mountpoint=kdbGetMountpoint(handle, key);
printf("The backend I am using is %s mounted in %s\n",
kdbClose (handle);
keyDel (key);
handleis the data structure, where the mounted directories are saved.
wherethe key, that should be looked up.
the mountpoint associated with the key

◆ mountModules()

int mountModules ( KDB *  kdb,
KeySet *  modules,
Key *  errorKey 

Mount all module configurations.

kdbthe handle to work with
modulesthe current list of loaded modules
errorKeythe key used to report warnings
Return values
-1if not rootkey was found

◆ mountOpen()

int mountOpen ( KDB *  kdb,
KeySet *  config,
KeySet *  modules,
Key *  errorKey 

Creates a trie from a given configuration.

The config will be deleted within this function.

mountDefault is not allowed to be executed before
kdbthe handle to work with
modulesthe current list of loaded modules
configthe configuration which should be used to build up the trie.
errorKeythe key used to report warnings
Return values
-1on failure
0on success

◆ mountVersion()

int mountVersion ( KDB *  kdb,
Key *  errorKey 

Mount the version backend.

kdbthe handle to work with
errorKeythe key used to report warnings
Return values
0on success

◆ splitAppend()

ssize_t splitAppend ( Split *  split,
Backend *  backend,
Key *  parentKey,
int  syncbits 

Increases the size of split and appends a new empty keyset.

Initializes the element with the given parameters at size-1 to be used.

Will automatically resize split if needed.

splitthe split object to work with
backendthe backend which should be appended
parentKeythe parentKey which should be appended
syncbitsthe initial syncstate which should be appended
Return values
-1if no split is found
the position of the new element: size-1

◆ splitAppoint()

int splitAppoint ( Split *  split,
KDB *  handle,
KeySet *  ks 

Appoints all keys from ks to yet unsynced splits.

splitBuildup() need to be executed before.
splitthe split object to work with
handleto determine to which backend a key belongs
ksthe keyset to appoint to split
Return values
1on success
-1if no backend was found for a key

◆ splitBuildup()

int splitBuildup ( Split *  split,
KDB *  kdb,
Key *  parentKey 

Walks through kdb->split and adds all backends below parentKey to split.

Sets syncbits to 2 if it is a default or root backend (which needs splitting). The information is copied from kdb->split.

split needs to be empty, directly after creation with splitNew().
there needs to be a valid defaultBackend but its ok not to have a trie inside KDB.
parentKey must be a valid key! (could be implemented more generally, but that would require splitting up of keysets of the same backend)
splitwill get all backends appended
kdbthe handle to get information about backends
parentKeythe information below which key the backends are from interest
Return values

◆ splitDel()

void splitDel ( Split *  keysets)

Delete a split object.

Will free all allocated resources of a split keyset.

keysetsthe split object to work with

◆ splitDivide()

int splitDivide ( Split *  split,
KDB *  handle,
KeySet *  ks 

Splits up the keysets and search for a sync bit in every key.

It does not check if there were removed keys, see splitSync() for the next step.

It does not create new backends, this has to be done by buildup before.

splitBuildup() need to be executed before.
splitthe split object to work with
handleto get information where the individual keys belong
ksthe keyset to divide
Return values
0if there were no sync bits
1if there were sync bits
-1if no backend was found for any key

◆ splitGet()

int splitGet ( Split *  split,
Key *  warningKey,
KDB *  handle 

Does some work after getting of backends is finished.

  • Update sizes
  • Removal of wrong keys
splitAppoint() needs to be executed before.
  • check if keys are in correct backend
  • remove syncbits
  • update sizes in the backends
splitthe split object to work with
warningKeypostcondition violations are reported here
handlethe handle to preprocess the keys
Return values
1on success
-1if no backend was found for a key or split->parents has invalid namespace

◆ splitMergeBackends()

int splitMergeBackends ( Split *  split,
KeySet *  dest 

Merges together the backend based parts of split into dest, but bypasses the default split.

splitthe split object to work with
destthe destination keyset where all keysets are appended.
Return values
1on success

◆ splitMergeDefault()

int splitMergeDefault ( Split *  split,
KeySet *  dest 

Merges the default split into dest.

splitthe split object to work with
destthe destination keyset where all keysets are appended.
Return values
1on success

◆ splitNew()

Split* splitNew ( void  )

Allocates a new split object.

Splits up a keyset into multiple keysets where each of them will passed to the correct kdbSet().

Initially the size is 0 and alloc is APPROXIMATE_NR_OF_BACKENDS.

a fresh allocated split object
See also

◆ splitPrepare()

void splitPrepare ( Split *  split)

Prepares for kdbSet() mainloop afterwards.

All splits which do not need sync are removed and a deep copy of the remaining keysets is done.

splitthe split object to work with

◆ splitRemove()

void splitRemove ( Split *  split,
size_t  where 

Remove one part of split.

splitthe split object to work with
wherethe position to cut away
where must be within the size of the split
split will be removed

◆ splitSync()

int splitSync ( Split *  split)

Add sync bits everywhere keys were removed/added.

  • checks if the size of a previous kdbGet() is unchanged.
  • checks if in correct state (kdbGet() needs to be executed before)

Only splitDivide() together with this function can really decide if sync is needed or not.

split needs to be processed with splitDivide() before.
Return values
0if kdbSet() is not needed
1if kdbSet() is needed
-1on wrong keys (also has assert, should not happen)
-2wrong spec state: kdbGet() was not executed before
-3wrong dir state: kdbGet() was not executed before
-4wrong user state: kdbGet() was not executed before
-5wrong system state: kdbGet() was not executed before
user/system was split before.
splitthe split object to work with

◆ splitUpdateFileName()

void splitUpdateFileName ( Split *  split,
KDB *  handle,
Key *  key 

Update the (configuration) file name for the parent key.

splitthe split to work with
handlethe handle to work with
keythe parentKey that should be updated (name must be correct)

◆ splitUpdateSize()

int splitUpdateSize ( Split *  split)

Also update sizes after kdbSet() to recognize multiple kdbSet() attempts.

cant use the same code with splitGet because there is no default split part for kdbSet().

◆ trieClose()

int trieClose ( Trie *  trie,
Key *  errorKey 

Closes the trie and all opened backends within.

triethe trie to close
errorKeythe key used to report warnings
Return values
0on success

◆ trieInsert()

Trie* trieInsert ( Trie *  trie,
const char *  name,
Backend *  value 

Insert into trie.

triethe trie to insert to (0 to create a new trie)
namethe key's name to insert
valuethe value to insert
Return values
trieon success

◆ trieLookup()

Backend* trieLookup ( Trie *  trie,
const Key *  key 

The Trie structure.

Lookups a backend inside the trie.

the backend if found
0 otherwise
triethe trie object to work with
keythe name of this key will be looked up