High-Level API | | | |
elektra-libs(7) – libs overview | |
Plugin: augeas | |
Plugin: backend | |
Plugin: base64 | |
Plugin: blacklist | |
Plugin: blockresolver | |
Plugin: c | |
Plugin: cache | |
Plugin: cache | |
Plugin: ccode | |
Plugin: conditionals | |
Plugin: constants | |
Plugin: counter | |
Plugin: cpptemplate | |
Plugin: crypto | |
Plugin: csvstorage | |
Plugin: curlget | |
Plugin: date | |
Plugin: dbus | |
Plugin: dbusrecv | |
Plugin: desktop | |
Plugin: directoryvalue | |
Plugin: doc | |
Plugin: dpkg | |
Plugin: dump | |
Plugin: email | |
Plugin: error | |
Plugin: fcrypt | |
Plugin: file | |
Plugin: filecheck | |
Plugin: fstab | |
Plugin: gitresolver | |
Plugin: glob | |
Plugin: gopts | |
Plugin: gpgme | |
Plugin: hexcode | |
Plugin: hexnumber | |
Plugin: hosts | |
Plugin: iconv | |
Plugin: internalnotification | |
Plugin: ipaddr | |
Plugin: iterate | |
Plugin: jni | |
Plugin: journald | |
Plugin: kconfig | |
Plugin: keytometa | |
Plugin: length | |
Plugin: line | |
Plugin: lineendings | |
Plugin: logchange | |
Plugin: lua | |
Plugin: macaddr | |
Plugin: mathcheck | |
Plugin: mini | |
Plugin: missing | |
Plugin: mmapstorage | |
Plugin: mmapstorage | |
Plugin: modules | |
Plugin: mozprefs | |
Plugin: mozprefs | |
Plugin: multifile | |
Plugin: network | |
Plugin: ni | |
Plugin: noresolver | |
Plugin: passwd | |
Plugin: path | |
Plugin: process | |
Plugin: profile | |
Plugin: python | |
Plugin: python | |
Plugin: quickdump | |
Plugin: quickdump | |
Plugin: range | |
elektra-plugins(7) – plugins overview | |
Plugin: reference | |
Plugin: reference | |
Plugin: reference | |
Plugin: rename | |
Plugin: resolver | |
Plugin: rgbcolor | |
Plugin: ruby | |
Plugin: shell | |
Plugin: simpleini | |
Plugin: spec | |
Plugin: specload | |
Plugin: sync | |
Plugin: syslog | |
Plugin: template | |
Plugin: timeofday | |
Plugin: toml | |
Plugin: tracer | |
Plugin: type | |
Plugin: uname | |
Plugin: unit | |
Plugin: validation | |
Plugin: version | |
Plugin: wresolver | |
Plugin: xerces | |
Plugin: xfconf | |
Plugin: xmltool | |
Plugin: yajl | |
Plugin: yamlcpp | |
Plugin: zeromqrecv | |
Plugin: zeromqsend | |
Authors | |
Big Picture | |
Buildserver | |
Compile | | | |
kdbClose | |
kdbGet | |
kdbOpen | |
kdbSet | |
keyAddBaseName | |
keyAddName | |
keyBaseName | |
keyClear | |
keyCmp | |
keyCopy | invariants? |
keyCopyAllMeta | |
keyCopyMeta | |
keyCurrentMeta | |
keyDecRef | |
keyDel | |
keyDup | |
keyGetBaseName | |
keyGetBaseNameSize | |
keyGetBinary | |
keyGetMeta | |
keyGetName | |
keyGetNameSize | |
keyGetNamespace | |
keyGetRef | |
keyGetString | |
keyGetUnescapedNameSize | |
keyGetValueSize | |
keyIncRef | |
keyIsBelow | |
keyIsBelowOrSame | |
keyIsBinary | |
keyIsDirectlyBelow | |
keyIsLocked | |
keyIsString | |
keyLock | |
keyMeta | |
keyName | |
keyNeedSync | |
keyNew | |
keyNextMeta | |
keyRewindMeta | |
keySetBaseName | |
keySetBinary | |
keySetMeta | |
keySetName | |
keySetNamespace | |
keySetString | |
keyString | |
keyUnescapedName | |
keyValue | |
keyVNew | |
ksAppend | |
ksAppendKey | |
ksAtCursor | |
ksClear | |
ksCopy | |
ksCurrent | |
ksCut | |
ksDel | |
ksDup | |
ksGetCursor | |
ksGetSize | |
ksHead | |
ksLookup | |
ksLookupByName | |
ksNeedSync | |
ksNew | |
ksNext | |
ksPop | |
ksRewind | |
ksSetCursor | |
ksTail | |
ksVNew | |
Elektra API Review | |
API based on use cases for <tt>libelektra-core</tt> | |
API based on use cases for KDB | | | |
Copy-on-Write | |
Documentation | |
mmapstorage | | | |
Builder Functions for <tt>Key</tt> and <tt>KeySet</tt> | |
Commit Function | |
Constructor Functions for <tt>Key</tt> and <tt>KeySet</tt> | |
Man Pages | |
Metakey semantics | |
Notifications | |
Operation sequences | |
Plugin Contract Function | |
Readonly Keynames | |
Transformations | |
Global Validation | |
Plugin Struct | |
Plugin Variants | |
Validation | |
CMake Spec | |
Pub/Sub Communication | |
Null Pointer Checks | |
Key Name | |
Vendor Spec | |
Change Tracking | |
Error Handling | |
Error Semantics | |
keyString() return value | |
Spec's Expressiveness | |
Metadata in Spec Namespace | |
Binary | |
Functions with buffers | |
Iterators | |
Types of <tt>KeySet</tt>s | |
Simplify API | |
Capabilities | |
Remove elektraMalloc() et al. | |
Elektra Prefix | |
Header File Structure | |
Including Headers | |
Internal KeySet Cache | |
Iterating Keyname Parts | |
<tt>keyIsBelow</tt> | |
Namespace and Name of Keys | |
Library Directory Structure | |
Library Split | |
Namespace for miscellaneous data | |
Private API | |
Arrays | |
Definition of Bool | |
Decision Process | |
Hooks in KDB | |
Reference Counting | |
Arrays | |
Backend Plugin | |
Base Name | |
Bootstrap | |
CMake Plugins | |
Copy On Write | |
Cryptographic Key Handling | |
Default Values | |
Deferred Plugin Calls | |
Elektra Web structure | |
Elektra Web recursive structure | |
Empty Files | |
Ensure | |
Error Code Implementation | |
Error codes | |
Error message format | |
Global KeySet | |
High-level API | |
High-level API Help Message | |
Holes and Non-leaf values in KeySets | |
Logging | |
Lookup Every Key | |
Memory Layout | |
Multiple File Backends | |
Null | |
Relative | |
REST API Documentation | |
Script Testing | |
Semantics in Key Names | |
C++ Unit Testing Framework | |
Decisions | |
Steps | |
Algorithm | |
Architecture | |
Backend Plugins | |
Classes | |
Data Structures | |
Error Categorization | |
Error handling | |
Error Message | |
History | |
Hooks | |
Migrating from internal to external KeySet iterators | |
KDB Contracts | |
KDB Operations | |
Metadata | |
New mountpoint config structure | |
Plugins Framework | |
Plugins Ordering | |
Symbol Versioning | |
Doxygen | |
Get Started | |
Git | |
Goals | |
elektra-backends(7) – the backend concept | |
elektra-bootstrapping(7) – default backend | |
elektra-cascading(7) – of key names | |
elektra-cmerge-strategies(7) – how to merge key sets | |
elektra-contracts(7) – contracts for plugins | |
Frequently Asked Questions | |
elektra-glossary(7) – glossary of Elektra | |
elektra-granularity(7) – relation of keys to files | |
elektra-hierarchy(7) – standard hierarchy | |
elektra-highlevel-gen(7) – High-level API code-generation advanced features | |
elektra-introduction(7) – an introduction to Elektra | |
elektra-key-names(7) – the names of keys | |
elektra-merge-strategies(7) – how to merge key sets | |
elektra-metadata(7) – metadata | |
elektra-mounting(7) – mounting | |
elektra-namespaces(7) – namespaces | |
elektra-related – related configuration systems | |
elektra-semantics(7) – Semantics of KDB | |
elektra-spec(7) – spec namespace | |
elektra-sync-flag(7) – detection for writing | |
kdb-backup – Make a backup of current KDB | |
kdb-basename(1) – Get the basename of a key name | |
kdb-cache(1) – Enable, disable or clear the cache | |
kdb-change-resolver-symlink – Changes the default resolver symlink | |
kdb-change-storage-symlink – Changes the default storage symlink | |
kdb-plugin-check-env-dep – Checks which mount points are influenced by environment variables | |
kdb-cmerge(1) – Three-way merge of KeySets | |
kdb-complete(1) – Show suggestions how to complete a given path | |
kdb-convert(1) – Convert configuration files using elektra | |
kdb-cp(1) – Copy keys within the key database | |
kdb-dirname(1) – Get the cascading directory name of a key name | |
kdb-editor(1) – Use your editor for editing KDB | |
kdb-export(1) – Export keys from the key database | |
kdb-file(1) – Displays which file a key is stored in | |
kdb-find-tools(1) – The tool for finding tools | |
kdb-find(1) – Find keys in the key database | |
kdb-gen-highlevel(1) – High-level API code-generator template | |
kdb-gen(1) – Elektra's code-generator | |
kdb-get(1) – Get the value of a key stored in the key database | |
kdb-help(1) – Show man page for elektra tools | |
kdb-import(1) – Import an existing configuration into the key database | |
kdb-install-config-file(1) – Install configuration files in Elektra | |
kdb-list-commands(1) – List commands available to Elektra | |
kdb-list-tools(1) - List all external tools available to Elektra | |
kdb-ls(1) – List keys in the key database | |
kdb-merge(1) – Three-way merge of KeySets | |
kdb-meta-get(1) – Get the value of a metakey stored in the key database | |
kdb-meta-ls(1) - Print metakeys associated with a key | |
kdb-meta-rm(1) – Remove metakey of a key from the key database | |
kdb-meta-set(1) – Set the value of a metakey | |
kdb-meta-show(1) – Print all metakeys along with their value | |
kdb-mount-java(1) – Mounting Java Plugins | |
kdb-mount-list-all-files – List all mounted files | |
kdb-mount(1) - Mount a file to the key database | |
kdb-mountpoint-info – Print information about the default storage and resolver or a mount point | |
kdb-mv(1) – Move keys within the key database | |
kdb-namespace(1) – Get the namespace of a key name | |
kdb-plugin-check(1) – Perform internal checks | |
kdb-plugin-info(1) – Print information about an Elektra plugin | |
kdb-plugin-list(1) – List plugins available to Elektra | |
kdb-remount(1) - Use an existing backend to mount a new file | |
kdb-reset-elektra(1) - Resets system:/elektra | |
kdb-reset(1) - Resets the whole KDB | |
kdb-restore – Restore from backup | |
kdb-rm(1) – Remove key(s) from the key database | |
kdb-set(1) – Set the value of a key | |
kdb-sget(1) – Get the value of a key stored in the key database from a script | |
kdb-shell(1) – Start a kdb shell instance | |
kdb-spec-mount(1) - Mount a spec file to the key database | |
kdb-stash – Stash away KDB to be restored later | |
kdb-test(1) – Run test(s) on the key database | |
kdb-umount-all(1) - Unmount everything in the key database | |
kdb-umount(1) - Unmount a file from the key database | |
kdb-validate(1) - Validate key values | |
kdb(1) – key database access tools | |
Ideas for Contributing to Elektra | |
Rendered Images | |
Install | |
Key Names in Elektra | |
Man Pages | |
Markdown Link Converter | |
0.8.6 Release | |
0.8.7 release | |
0.8.8 Release | |
Augeas and Config::Model | |
0.8.9 Release | |
0.8.10 Release | |
0.8.11 Release | |
0.8.12 Release | |
0.8.13 Release | |
0.8.14 Release | |
0.8.15 Release | |
0.8.16 Release | |
0.8.17 Release | |
0.8.18 Release | |
0.8.19 Release | |
Website Release | |
Elektrify LCDproc | |
0.8.20 Release | |
0.8.21 Release | |
0.8.22 Release | |
0.8.23 Release | |
0.8.24 Release | |
0.8.25 Release | |
0.8.26 Release | |
0.9.0 Release | |
0.9.1 Release | |
0.9.2 Release | |
0.9.3 Release | |
0.9.4 Release | |
0.9.5 Release | |
0.9.6 Release | |
0.9.7 Release | |
0.9.8 Release | |
0.9.9 Release | |
0.9.10 Release | |
0.9.11 Release | |
0.9.12 Release | |
0.9.<<VERSION>> Release | |
Citations | |
Documentation Index | |
Security | |
Testing | |
Introduction | |
Arrays | |
Benchmarking | |
Cascading Lookups | |
How-To: Merging | |
Code-generator | |
Command-line Options | |
Compilation Variants | |
Introduction | |
Contributing with Windows | |
Cryptographic Methods in Elektra | |
How-To: kdb export | |
Hello, Elektra | |
Bindings for the High-level API | |
High-level API (with code-generation) | |
How-To: kdb import | |
How-To: install configuration files | |
elektra-web | |
How-To: Java kdb | |
How-To: Write a Java Plugin | |
Language Bindings | |
How-To: Logging | |
How-To: kdb merge | |
Mounting | |
Understanding Namespaces | |
Notification Tutorial | |
How-To: Write a Plugin | |
Profiling | |
How-To: Python kdb | |
Introduction | |
Introduction | |
How to Write a Specification in Elektra | |
How-To: Write a (Well Behaved) Storage Plugin | |
Introduction | |
Validation | |
Use cases for <tt>libelektra-core</tt> | |
Use Case: Create <tt>Key</tt> | |
Use Case: <tt>Key</tt> Metadata | |
Use Case: <tt>Key</tt> Name | |
Use Case: <tt>Key</tt> Namespace | |
Use Case: <tt>Key</tt> Value | |
Use Case: <tt>Key</tt> Hierarchy | |
Use Case: <tt>Key</tt> Ordering | |
Use Case: Create <tt>KeySet</tt> | |
Use Case: Index access to <tt>KeySet</tt> | |
Use Case: Insert <tt>Key</tt> into <tt>KeySet</tt> | |
Use Case: Cascading Lookup in <tt>KeySet</tt> | |
Use Case: Direct lookup in <tt>KeySet</tt> | |
Use Case: Cut <tt>Key</tt> hierarchy from <tt>KeySet</tt> | |
Use Case: Remove <tt>Key</tt> from <tt>KeySet</tt> | |
elektra-web Use Cases | |
Use Case: Adding keys | |
Use Case: Drag & Drop keys | |
Use Case: Finding keys | |
Use Case: Key validation | |
Use Case: Modifying keys | |
Use Case: Setup Instance | |
Use Case: Undo/Redo | |
Use Case: View Configuration of an Instance | |
Use cases for KDB | |
Use Case: Get configuration | |
Use Case: Modifying application configuration | |
Use Case: Set configuration | |
Use Case: Keeping Configuration Up-to-date | |
Use Case: Validating Configuration with Specification | |
record-elektra Use Cases | |
Use Case: Assert that certain keys contain specific values | |
Use Case: Select merge strategy in ansible-libelektra | |
Use Case: Remove keys in ansible-libelektra | |
Use Case: Start session recording after Ansible run | |
Use Case: Exporting configuration as Ansible playbook | |
Use Case: Notify plugins when data in the KDB changes | |
Use Case: Get information which keys are conflicting in 3-way-merge | |
Use Case: Configure different hosts with the same playbook | |
Use Case: Interactively creating system config | |
Use Case: Recording changes to the key database | |
Distinction of Use Cases | |
Use Case: Authenticate | |
Use Case: Convert Configuration Snippet | |
Use Case: Create Configuration Snippet | |
Use Case: Delete Configuration Snippet | |
Use Case: View Details for Specific Configuration Snippet | |
Use Case: Download Configuration Snippet in Specific Format | |
Use Case: Create Configuration Snippet from Existing Snippet | |
Use Case: Edit Configuration Snippet | |
Use Case: Edit User | |
Use Case: Register User Account | |
Use Case: Reset Password | |
Use Case: Search for Configuration Snippets | |
Use Case: Search for Users | |
Use Case: <Title> | |
Version | |
Who uses Elektra? | |
Why Should I use Elektra? | |
Elektra | |
Scripts Index | |
Deprecated List | |