Elektra 0.9.13
Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
 High-Level API
 elektra-libs(7) – libs overview
 Plugin: augeas
 Plugin: backend
 Plugin: base64
 Plugin: blacklist
 Plugin: blockresolver
 Plugin: c
 Plugin: cache
 Plugin: cache
 Plugin: ccode
 Plugin: conditionals
 Plugin: constants
 Plugin: counter
 Plugin: cpptemplate
 Plugin: crypto
 Plugin: csvstorage
 Plugin: curlget
 Plugin: date
 Plugin: dbus
 Plugin: dbusrecv
 Plugin: desktop
 Plugin: directoryvalue
 Plugin: doc
 Plugin: dpkg
 Plugin: dump
 Plugin: email
 Plugin: error
 Plugin: fcrypt
 Plugin: file
 Plugin: filecheck
 Plugin: fstab
 Plugin: gitresolver
 Plugin: glob
 Plugin: gopts
 Plugin: gpgme
 Plugin: hexcode
 Plugin: hexnumber
 Plugin: hosts
 Plugin: iconv
 Plugin: internalnotification
 Plugin: ipaddr
 Plugin: iterate
 Plugin: jni
 Plugin: journald
 Plugin: kconfig
 Plugin: keytometa
 Plugin: length
 Plugin: line
 Plugin: lineendings
 Plugin: logchange
 Plugin: lua
 Plugin: macaddr
 Plugin: mathcheck
 Plugin: mini
 Plugin: missing
 Plugin: mmapstorage
 Plugin: mmapstorage
 Plugin: modules
 Plugin: mozprefs
 Plugin: mozprefs
 Plugin: multifile
 Plugin: network
 Plugin: ni
 Plugin: noresolver
 Plugin: passwd
 Plugin: path
 Plugin: process
 Plugin: profile
 Plugin: python
 Plugin: python
 Plugin: quickdump
 Plugin: quickdump
 Plugin: range
 elektra-plugins(7) – plugins overview
 Plugin: reference
 Plugin: reference
 Plugin: reference
 Plugin: rename
 Plugin: resolver
 Plugin: rgbcolor
 Plugin: ruby
 Plugin: shell
 Plugin: simpleini
 Plugin: spec
 Plugin: specload
 Plugin: sync
 Plugin: syslog
 Plugin: template
 Plugin: timeofday
 Plugin: toml
 Plugin: tracer
 Plugin: type
 Plugin: uname
 Plugin: unit
 Plugin: validation
 Plugin: version
 Plugin: wresolver
 Plugin: xerces
 Plugin: xfconf
 Plugin: xmltool
 Plugin: yajl
 Plugin: yamlcpp
 Plugin: zeromqrecv
 Plugin: zeromqsend
 Big Picture
 Elektra API Review
 API based on use cases for <tt>libelektra-core</tt>
 API based on use cases for KDB
 Builder Functions for <tt>Key</tt> and <tt>KeySet</tt>
 Commit Function
 Constructor Functions for <tt>Key</tt> and <tt>KeySet</tt>
 Man Pages
 Metakey semantics
 Operation sequences
 Plugin Contract Function
 Readonly Keynames
 Global Validation
 Plugin Struct
 Plugin Variants
 CMake Spec
 Pub/Sub Communication
 Null Pointer Checks
 Key Name
 Vendor Spec
 Change Tracking
 Error Handling
 Error Semantics
 keyString() return value
 Spec's Expressiveness
 Metadata in Spec Namespace
 Functions with buffers
 Types of <tt>KeySet</tt>s
 Simplify API
 Remove elektraMalloc() et al.
 Elektra Prefix
 Header File Structure
 Including Headers
 Internal KeySet Cache
 Iterating Keyname Parts
 Namespace and Name of Keys
 Library Directory Structure
 Library Split
 Namespace for miscellaneous data
 Private API
 Definition of Bool
 Decision Process
 Hooks in KDB
 Reference Counting
 Backend Plugin
 Base Name
 CMake Plugins
 Copy On Write
 Cryptographic Key Handling
 Default Values
 Deferred Plugin Calls
 Elektra Web structure
 Elektra Web recursive structure
 Empty Files
 Error Code Implementation
 Error codes
 Error message format
 Global KeySet
 High-level API
 High-level API Help Message
 Holes and Non-leaf values in KeySets
 Lookup Every Key
 Memory Layout
 Multiple File Backends
 REST API Documentation
 Script Testing
 Semantics in Key Names
 C++ Unit Testing Framework
 Backend Plugins
 Data Structures
 Error Categorization
 Error handling
 Error Message
 Migrating from internal to external KeySet iterators
 KDB Contracts
 KDB Operations
 New mountpoint config structure
 Plugins Framework
 Plugins Ordering
 Symbol Versioning
 Get Started
 elektra-backends(7) – the backend concept
 elektra-bootstrapping(7) – default backend
 elektra-cascading(7) – of key names
 elektra-cmerge-strategies(7) – how to merge key sets
 elektra-contracts(7) – contracts for plugins
 Frequently Asked Questions
 elektra-glossary(7) – glossary of Elektra
 elektra-granularity(7) – relation of keys to files
 elektra-hierarchy(7) – standard hierarchy
 elektra-highlevel-gen(7) – High-level API code-generation advanced features
 elektra-introduction(7) – an introduction to Elektra
 elektra-key-names(7) – the names of keys
 elektra-merge-strategies(7) – how to merge key sets
 elektra-metadata(7) – metadata
 elektra-mounting(7) – mounting
 elektra-namespaces(7) – namespaces
 elektra-related – related configuration systems
 elektra-semantics(7) – Semantics of KDB
 elektra-spec(7) – spec namespace
 elektra-sync-flag(7) – detection for writing
 kdb-backup – Make a backup of current KDB
 kdb-basename(1) – Get the basename of a key name
 kdb-cache(1) – Enable, disable or clear the cache
 kdb-change-resolver-symlink – Changes the default resolver symlink
 kdb-change-storage-symlink – Changes the default storage symlink
 kdb-plugin-check-env-dep – Checks which mount points are influenced by environment variables
 kdb-cmerge(1) – Three-way merge of KeySets
 kdb-complete(1) – Show suggestions how to complete a given path
 kdb-convert(1) – Convert configuration files using elektra
 kdb-cp(1) – Copy keys within the key database
 kdb-dirname(1) – Get the cascading directory name of a key name
 kdb-editor(1) – Use your editor for editing KDB
 kdb-export(1) – Export keys from the key database
 kdb-file(1) – Displays which file a key is stored in
 kdb-find-tools(1) – The tool for finding tools
 kdb-find(1) – Find keys in the key database
 kdb-gen-highlevel(1) – High-level API code-generator template
 kdb-gen(1) – Elektra's code-generator
 kdb-get(1) – Get the value of a key stored in the key database
 kdb-help(1) – Show man page for elektra tools
 kdb-import(1) – Import an existing configuration into the key database
 kdb-install-config-file(1) – Install configuration files in Elektra
 kdb-list-commands(1) – List commands available to Elektra
 kdb-list-tools(1) - List all external tools available to Elektra
 kdb-ls(1) – List keys in the key database
 kdb-merge(1) – Three-way merge of KeySets
 kdb-meta-get(1) – Get the value of a metakey stored in the key database
 kdb-meta-ls(1) - Print metakeys associated with a key
 kdb-meta-rm(1) – Remove metakey of a key from the key database
 kdb-meta-set(1) – Set the value of a metakey
 kdb-meta-show(1) – Print all metakeys along with their value
 kdb-mount-java(1) – Mounting Java Plugins
 kdb-mount-list-all-files – List all mounted files
 kdb-mount(1) - Mount a file to the key database
 kdb-mountpoint-info – Print information about the default storage and resolver or a mount point
 kdb-mv(1) – Move keys within the key database
 kdb-namespace(1) – Get the namespace of a key name
 kdb-plugin-check(1) – Perform internal checks
 kdb-plugin-info(1) – Print information about an Elektra plugin
 kdb-plugin-list(1) – List plugins available to Elektra
 kdb-remount(1) - Use an existing backend to mount a new file
 kdb-reset-elektra(1) - Resets system:/elektra
 kdb-reset(1) - Resets the whole KDB
 kdb-restore – Restore from backup
 kdb-rm(1) – Remove key(s) from the key database
 kdb-set(1) – Set the value of a key
 kdb-sget(1) – Get the value of a key stored in the key database from a script
 kdb-shell(1) – Start a kdb shell instance
 kdb-spec-mount(1) - Mount a spec file to the key database
 kdb-stash – Stash away KDB to be restored later
 kdb-test(1) – Run test(s) on the key database
 kdb-umount-all(1) - Unmount everything in the key database
 kdb-umount(1) - Unmount a file from the key database
 kdb-validate(1) - Validate key values
 kdb(1) – key database access tools
 Ideas for Contributing to Elektra
 Rendered Images
 Key Names in Elektra
 Man Pages
 Markdown Link Converter
 0.8.6 Release
 0.8.7 release
 0.8.8 Release
 Augeas and Config::Model
 0.8.9 Release
 0.8.10 Release
 0.8.11 Release
 0.8.12 Release
 0.8.13 Release
 0.8.14 Release
 0.8.15 Release
 0.8.16 Release
 0.8.17 Release
 0.8.18 Release
 0.8.19 Release
 Website Release
 Elektrify LCDproc
 0.8.20 Release
 0.8.21 Release
 0.8.22 Release
 0.8.23 Release
 0.8.24 Release
 0.8.25 Release
 0.8.26 Release
 0.9.0 Release
 0.9.1 Release
 0.9.2 Release
 0.9.3 Release
 0.9.4 Release
 0.9.5 Release
 0.9.6 Release
 0.9.7 Release
 0.9.8 Release
 0.9.9 Release
 0.9.10 Release
 0.9.11 Release
 0.9.12 Release
 0.9.<<VERSION>> Release
 Documentation Index
 Cascading Lookups
 How-To: Merging
 Command-line Options
 Compilation Variants
 Contributing with Windows
 Cryptographic Methods in Elektra
 How-To: kdb export
 Hello, Elektra
 Bindings for the High-level API
 High-level API (with code-generation)
 How-To: kdb import
 How-To: install configuration files
 How-To: Java kdb
 How-To: Write a Java Plugin
 Language Bindings
 How-To: Logging
 How-To: kdb merge
 Understanding Namespaces
 Notification Tutorial
 How-To: Write a Plugin
 How-To: Python kdb
 How to Write a Specification in Elektra
 How-To: Write a (Well Behaved) Storage Plugin
 Use cases for <tt>libelektra-core</tt>
 Use Case: Create <tt>Key</tt>
 Use Case: <tt>Key</tt> Metadata
 Use Case: <tt>Key</tt> Name
 Use Case: <tt>Key</tt> Namespace
 Use Case: <tt>Key</tt> Value
 Use Case: <tt>Key</tt> Hierarchy
 Use Case: <tt>Key</tt> Ordering
 Use Case: Create <tt>KeySet</tt>
 Use Case: Index access to <tt>KeySet</tt>
 Use Case: Insert <tt>Key</tt> into <tt>KeySet</tt>
 Use Case: Cascading Lookup in <tt>KeySet</tt>
 Use Case: Direct lookup in <tt>KeySet</tt>
 Use Case: Cut <tt>Key</tt> hierarchy from <tt>KeySet</tt>
 Use Case: Remove <tt>Key</tt> from <tt>KeySet</tt>
 elektra-web Use Cases
 Use Case: Adding keys
 Use Case: Drag & Drop keys
 Use Case: Finding keys
 Use Case: Key validation
 Use Case: Modifying keys
 Use Case: Setup Instance
 Use Case: Undo/Redo
 Use Case: View Configuration of an Instance
 Use cases for KDB
 Use Case: Get configuration
 Use Case: Modifying application configuration
 Use Case: Set configuration
 Use Case: Keeping Configuration Up-to-date
 Use Case: Validating Configuration with Specification
 record-elektra Use Cases
 Use Case: Assert that certain keys contain specific values
 Use Case: Select merge strategy in ansible-libelektra
 Use Case: Remove keys in ansible-libelektra
 Use Case: Start session recording after Ansible run
 Use Case: Exporting configuration as Ansible playbook
 Use Case: Notify plugins when data in the KDB changes
 Use Case: Get information which keys are conflicting in 3-way-merge
 Use Case: Configure different hosts with the same playbook
 Use Case: Interactively creating system config
 Use Case: Recording changes to the key database
 Distinction of Use Cases
 Use Case: Authenticate
 Use Case: Convert Configuration Snippet
 Use Case: Create Configuration Snippet
 Use Case: Delete Configuration Snippet
 Use Case: View Details for Specific Configuration Snippet
 Use Case: Download Configuration Snippet in Specific Format
 Use Case: Create Configuration Snippet from Existing Snippet
 Use Case: Edit Configuration Snippet
 Use Case: Edit User
 Use Case: Register User Account
 Use Case: Reset Password
 Use Case: Search for Configuration Snippets
 Use Case: Search for Users
 Use Case: <Title>
 Who uses Elektra?
 Why Should I use Elektra?
 Scripts Index
 Deprecated List