Elektra  0.9.4
0.9.<<VERSION>> Release

This release did not happen yet.

We are proud to release Elektra 0.9.<<VERSION>>.

Elektra serves as a universal and secure framework to access configuration settings in a global, hierarchical key database. For more information, visit https://libelektra.org.

You can also read the news on our website

There have been significant changes to Elektra's key names:

A huge thanks to _(Klemens Böswirth)_ for doing these important changes and clean-ups.

The change to key names breaks existing mountpoint configurations.

It is not hard to fix the mountpoint configs even after the updating to the new version.

There are two places that will still contain the old syntax after the update:

  1. Every key below (and including) system:/elektra/mountpoints/<MOUNTPOINT> uses an old key names as <MOUNTPOINT>, if the mountpoint was created with kdb mount.
  2. The value of all keys matching system:/elektra/mountpoints/*/mountpoint must be valid key names.

Fixing the first instance is optional. There the key name is just used to create a unique name for the mountpoint.

The second instance, however, must be fixed or Elektra will be unusable.

Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that the commands below work for all cases. We also make no guarantees that the command will not break things.

Please report any problems.

You have been warned. Manually backup important data first.

For the migration you can use the following commands:

#! /usr/bin/env sh
kdb export system:/elektra/mountpoints ni > mountpoints.ini
sed -E 's~((^\[?|/mountpoint = )(user|system))((\\\\)?/)~\1:\4~g' mountpoints.ini > mountpoints_corrected.ini
kdb mv -r system:/elektra/mountpoints system:/elektra/mountpoints-backup
kdb import system:/elektra/mountpoints ni < mountpoints_corrected.ini

Note: The original system:/elektra/mountpoints data will be moved to system:/elektra/mountpoints-backup

We are now using CPack to generate modular Debian, Ubuntu (DEB) and Fedora (RPM) packages. This simplifies the packaging process and solves problems where a PR, which introduces changes to installed files, fails. We can now also set distribution specific dependencies with CPack, which is needed for some packages. _(Robert Sowula)_

We now provide DEB and RPM packages for releases and for every commit on master in our own repositories using CPack for:

A big thanks to _(Robert Sowula)_ for introducing CPack and creating the repositories.

DEB packages
  1. First, you need to obtain the repository key:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys F26BBE02F3C315A19BF1F791A9A25CC1CC83E839
  1. Add deb https://debs.libelektra.org/<DISTRIBUTION> <DISTRIBUTION> main into /etc/apt/sources.list where <DISTRIBUTION> is the codename of your distributions e.g. focal, bionic or buster.
apt-get install libelektra5-all

RPM packages

Download our .repo configuration file and add it to yum/dnf.

To get all packaged plugins, bindings and tools install:

dnf install libelektra5-all

For more available packages, further instructions on how to add our repositories or instructions on how to use our master built packages, please refer to our install documentation.

The 0.9.* series of Elektra is for development of Elektra 1.0. Elektra 1.0 will be incompatible to 0.8 and as such, we need a SO version bump. We used this release to bump the SO version from 4 to 5 due to the breaking changes that are not visible in the API.

Note: that within 0.9.* we likely introduce further breaking changes but we will not bump the SO version again.

The package names which consist of the SO Version also changed from libelektra4* to libelektra5*. If you used our previous repository with master built packages, please make sure to migrate to our new package repositories described above or in our install documentation.

The version of the Java bindings was also bumped from 4 to 5, although the API is also work in progress.

A big thanks to _(Robert Sowula)_ for doing the necessary renamings.

The following section lists news about the plugins we updated in this release.

The text below summarizes updates to the C (and C++)-based libraries of Elektra.

Bindings allow you to utilize Elektra using various programming languages. This section keeps you up to date with the multi-language support provided by Elektra.

The website is generated from the repository, so all information about plugins, bindings and tools are always up to date.

We are currently working on following topics:

<<scripts/git-release-stats 0.9.VER-1 0.9.<<VERSION>>>>

We welcome new contributors! Read here about how to get started.

As first step, you could give us feedback about these release notes. Contact us via our issue tracker.

You can download the release from here or GitHub

The hashsums are:

<<scripts/generate-hashsums elektra-0.9.<<VERSION>>.tar.gz>>

The release tarball is also available signed using GnuPG from here or on GitHub

The following GPG Key was used to sign this release: 12CC44541E1B8AD9B66AFAD55262E7353324914A

Already built API-Docu can be found here or on GitHub.

Subscribe to the RSS feed to always get the release notifications.

If you also want to participate, or for any questions and comments please contact us via our issue tracker on GitHub.

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For more information, see https://libelektra.org

Best regards, Elektra Initiative