Elektra  0.9.6
include Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for include:



file  elektra.h
 Elektra High Level API.
file  kdbassert.h
 Assertions macros.
file  kdberrors.h
 Provides all macros and definitions which are used for emitting error or warnings.
file  kdbextension.h
 Extension functionality.
file  kdbglobal.h
 Defines for global plugins.
file  kdbgopts.h
 Gopts contract.
file  kdbhelper.h
 Helper for memory management.
file  kdbinternal.h
 Includes most internal header files.
file  kdbio.h
 Elektra-I/O structures for I/O bindings, plugins and applications.
file  kdbioplugin.h
 Elektra-I/O functions and declarations for the I/O binding test suite.
file  kdbioprivate.h
 Private Elektra-IO structures for I/O bindings, plugins and applications.
file  kdbiotest.h
 Elektra-I/O functions and declarations for the I/O binding test suite.
file  kdblogger.h
 Logger Interface.
file  kdbmacros.h
 Macros by Elektra.
file  kdbmerge.h
 Kdb merge tool.
file  kdbmeta.h
 metadata functions
file  kdbmodule.h
file  kdbnotification.h
 Elektra-Notification structures and declarations for application developers.
file  kdbnotificationinternal.h
 Elektra-Notification structures and declarations for developing notification and transport plugins.
file  kdbopmphm.h
 Defines for the Order Preserving Minimal Perfect Hash Map.
file  kdbopmphmpredictor.h
 Defines for the Order Preserving Minimal Perfect Hash Map Predictor.
file  kdbopts.h
 INTERNAL header for libelektra-opts.
file  kdbos.h
 Operating system specific workarounds.
file  kdbplugin.h
 Methods for plugin programing.
file  kdbprivate.h
 Private declarations.
file  kdbproposal.h
 Proposed declarations.
file  kdbrand.h
 Defines for Rand.