file | elektra.h |
| Elektra High Level API.
file | kdbassert.h |
| Assertions macros.
file | kdberrors.h |
| Provides all macros and definitions which are used for emitting error or warnings.
file | kdbextension.h |
| Extension functionality.
file | kdbgopts.h |
| Gopts contract.
file | kdbhelper.h |
| Helper for memory management.
file | kdbinternal.h |
| Includes most internal header files.
file | kdbio.h |
| Elektra-I/O structures for I/O bindings, plugins and applications.
file | kdbioplugin.h |
| Elektra-I/O functions and declarations for the I/O binding test suite.
file | kdbioprivate.h |
| Private Elektra-IO structures for I/O bindings, plugins and applications.
file | kdbiotest.h |
| Elektra-I/O functions and declarations for the I/O binding test suite.
file | kdblogger.h |
| Logger Interface.
file | kdbmacros.h |
| Macros by Elektra.
file | kdbmerge.h |
| Kdb merge tool.
file | kdbmeta.h |
| metadata functions
file | kdbmodule.h |
file | kdbnotification.h |
| Elektra-Notification structures and declarations for application developers.
file | kdbnotificationinternal.h |
| Elektra-Notification structures and declarations for developing notification and transport plugins.
file | kdbopmphm.h |
| Defines for the Order Preserving Minimal Perfect Hash Map.
file | kdbopmphmpredictor.h |
| Defines for the Order Preserving Minimal Perfect Hash Map Predictor.
file | kdbopts.h |
| INTERNAL header for libelektra-opts.
file | kdbos.h |
| Operating system specific workarounds.
file | kdbplugin.h |
| Methods for plugin programing.
file | kdbprivate.h |
| Private declarations.
file | kdbproposal.h |
| Proposed declarations.
file | kdbrand.h |
| Defines for Rand.
file | kdbrecord.h |
| Defines for record.