array.c | Array methods |
automergeconfiguration.cpp | |
automergeconfiguration.hpp | A configuration for a simple automerge |
automergestrategy.cpp | Implementation of AutoMergeStrategy |
automergestrategy.hpp | A strategy for taking the value of |
examples/backend.cpp | |
src/backend.cpp | Implementation of backend |
backend.hpp | Implements a way to deal with a backend |
backendbuilder.cpp | Implementation of backend builder |
backendbuilder.hpp | Implements a way to build backends |
backendparser.cpp | Tests for the Backend parser class |
backendparser.hpp | Implements ways to parse backends |
backends.c | Internal functions for handling the backends KeySet of a KDB instance |
backends.cpp | |
backends.hpp | Allows one to list all available backends |
benchmark_plugins.cpp | Benchmark for getenv |
comparison.cpp | Comparison helper functions |
comparison.hpp | Comparison helper functions |
contracts.c | Contract constructors for kdbOpen() |
conversion.c | Elektra High Level API |
conversion.h | Elektra conversion |
cow.c | Shared methods for key and keyset copy-on-write |
dbus.c | I/O Adapter for D-Bus |
dbus.h | I/O Adapter for D-Bus |
dl.c | Loading modules under linux |
doc.c | Loading Modules for Elektra documentation |
doc.h | |
elektra.c | Elektra High Level API |
elektra.h | Elektra High Level API |
elektra_array_value.c | Elektra High Level API |
elektra_error.c | The error module of the High level API |
elektra_value.c | Elektra High Level API |
elektradiff.hpp | |
elektradiffexcept.hpp | |
error.h | Elektra error |
errors.c | Used for writing the error/warning information into a key to be used for emitting messages to the user |
ev.h | Declarations for the ev I/O binding |
functional.c | Functional helper |
glib.h | Declarations for the glib I/O binding |
globbing.c | Library for performing globbing on keynames |
hash.c | Provides functions to hash Elektra data structures |
hooks.c | |
importmergeconfiguration.cpp | |
importmergeconfiguration.hpp | A configuration for a simple automerge and guaranteed conflict resolution by one side |
interactivemergestrategy.cpp | Implementation of InteractiveMergeStrategy |
interactivemergestrategy.hpp | Interactive merge strategy asking for user input at each step |
internal.c | Internal methods for Elektra |
invoke.c | Library for invoking exported plugin functions |
io.c | Implementation of I/O functions as defined in kdbio.h |
io_doc.c | I/O example binding |
kdb.c | Low level functions for access the Key Database |
kdb.hpp | |
kdbassert.h | Assertions macros |
kdbcontext.hpp | |
kdbenum.c | Dummy file to document the enums which have no name in the header file |
kdberrors.h | Provides all macros and definitions which are used for emitting error or warnings |
kdbexcept.hpp | |
kdbextension.h | Extension functionality |
kdbgopts.h | Gopts contract |
kdbhelper.h | Helper for memory management |
kdbinternal.h | Includes most internal header files |
kdbio.h | Elektra-I/O structures for I/O bindings, plugins and applications |
kdbio.hpp | |
kdbio_doc.h | Declarations for the doc I/O binding |
kdbioplugin.h | Elektra-I/O functions and declarations for the I/O binding test suite |
kdbioprivate.h | Private Elektra-IO structures for I/O bindings, plugins and applications |
kdbiotest.h | Elektra-I/O functions and declarations for the I/O binding test suite |
kdblogger.h | Logger Interface |
kdbmacros.h | Macros by Elektra |
kdbmerge.h | Kdb merge tool |
kdbmeta.h | Metadata functions |
kdbmodule.h | |
kdbnotification.h | Elektra-Notification structures and declarations for application developers |
kdbnotificationinternal.h | Elektra-Notification structures and declarations for developing notification and transport plugins |
kdbopmphm.h | Defines for the Order Preserving Minimal Perfect Hash Map |
kdbopmphmpredictor.h | Defines for the Order Preserving Minimal Perfect Hash Map Predictor |
kdbopts.h | INTERNAL header for libelektra-opts |
kdbos.h | Operating system specific workarounds |
kdbplugin.h | Methods for plugin programing |
kdbplugin.hpp | Helpers for creating plugins |
kdbprivate.h | Private declarations |
kdbproposal.h | Proposed declarations |
kdbrand.h | Defines for Rand |
kdbrecord.h | Defines for record |
kdbthread.hpp | |
kdbtimer.hpp | |
kdbvalue.hpp | |
key.c | Methods for Key manipulation |
key.hpp | |
keyexcept.hpp | |
keyhelper.cpp | Key helper functions |
keyhelper.hpp | Key helper functions |
keyhelpers.c | Helpers for key manipulation |
keyio.hpp | |
keymeta.c | Methods to do various operations on Key metadata |
ease/keyname.c | Methods for accessing key names |
elektra/keyname.c | Methods for Key name manipulation |
keyset.c | Methods for key sets |
keyset.hpp | |
keysetget.hpp | |
keysetio.hpp | |
keytest.c | Methods for making tests |
keyvalue.c | Methods for Key value manipulation |
log.c | Non-C99 Logger Implementation |
markdownlinkconverter.c | |
mergeconfiguration.hpp | Base class for defining preconfigured merge configurations |
mergeconflict.hpp | Models a merge conflict |
mergeconflictstrategy.cpp | Implementation of MergeConflictStrategy |
mergeconflictstrategy.hpp | Interface for a MergeConflictStrategy |
mergeresult.cpp | Implementation of MergeResult |
mergeresult.hpp | Class modelling the result of a three way merge |
mergetask.hpp | Models a merge task |
mergetestutils.cpp | Implements a helper class for merge related tests |
merging.cpp | |
mergingkdb.cpp | Implementation of MergeResult |
mergingkdb.hpp | |
meta.c | Methods for metadata manipulation |
metamergestrategy.cpp | Implementation of MetaMergeStrategy |
metamergestrategy.hpp | Applies a MergeConflictStrategy on the metakeys |
modules.cpp | Implementation of module loading |
modules.hpp | Allows one to load plugins |
newkeystrategy.cpp | Implementation of OneSideStrategy |
newkeystrategy.hpp | A strategy which always takes the value from one side |
nolog.c | C99-compatible Fake Logger Implementation |
notification.c | Implementation of notification functions as defined in kdbnotification.h |
onesidemergeconfiguration.cpp | |
onesidemergeconfiguration.hpp | A configuration for a simple automerge and guaranteed conflict resolution by one side |
onesidestrategy.cpp | Implementation of OneSideStrategy |
onesidestrategy.hpp | A strategy which always takes the value from one side |
onesidevaluestrategy.cpp | Implementation of OneSideStrategy |
onesidevaluestrategy.hpp | |
opmphm.c | The Order Preserving Minimal Perfect Hash Map |
opmphmpredictor.c | The Order Preserving Minimal Perfect Hash Map Predictor |
opts.c | Support library used by plugin gopts |
overwritemergeconfiguration.cpp | |
overwritemergeconfiguration.hpp | A configuration for a simple automerge and guaranteed conflict resolution by one side |
elektra/plugin.c | Interna of plugin functionality |
plugin/plugin.c | Access plugin handle |
plugin.cpp | Implementation of plugin |
plugin.hpp | Header file of plugin |
plugindatabase.cpp | Implementation of PluginDatabase(s) |
plugindatabase.hpp | Interface to all plugins |
pluginprocess.c | Source for the pluginprocess library |
plugins.cpp | Implementation of set/get/error plugins |
plugins.hpp | Implementation of get/set and error plugins |
pluginspec.cpp | Implementation of plugin spec |
pluginspec.hpp | Interface to specify which plugin is meant |
proposal.c | Implementation of proposed API enhancements |
rand.c | Rand for Elektra |
reference.c | Reference methods |
specreader.hpp | Implements a way to read spec for mounting purposes |
static.c | |
testio_doc.c | Tests for I/O doc binding |
testlib_notification.c | Tests for notification library |
testlib_pluginprocess.c | Tests for pluginprocess library |
testtool_automergestrategy.cpp | Tests for the AutoMergeStrategy |
testtool_backend.cpp | Tests for the Backend class |
testtool_backendbuilder.cpp | Tests for the Backend builder class |
testtool_backendparser.cpp | Tests for the Backend parser class |
testtool_comparison.cpp | Tests for the comparison helper |
testtool_error.cpp | Tests for the errors and warnings |
testtool_keyhelper.cpp | Tests for the key helper |
testtool_mergecases.cpp | Tests for the ThreeWayMerge |
testtool_mergeresult.cpp | Tests for the Mergeresult class |
testtool_mergingkdb.cpp | Tests for MergingKDB |
testtool_metamergestrategy.cpp | Tests for the MetaMergeStrategy |
testtool_newkeystrategy.cpp | Tests for the NewKeyStrategy |
testtool_onesidestrategy.cpp | Tests for the OneSideStrategy |
testtool_plugindatabase.cpp | Tests for the plugindatabase class and implementations of it |
testtool_pluginspec.cpp | Tests for the pluginspec class |
testtool_samemountpoint.cpp | Tests for the Backend class |
testtool_specreader.cpp | Tests for the spec readerclass |
testtool_umount.cpp | Tests for the umount |
threewaymerge.cpp | Implementation of ThreeWayMerge |
threewaymerge.hpp | Implements a way to build and deal with a backend |
toolexcept.hpp | Implementation of all exceptions elektratools library might throw |
try_compile_dbus.c | Compilation test for D-Bus |
try_compile_zeromq.c | Compilation test for ZeroMQ |
uv.h | Declarations for the uv I/O binding |
zeromq.c | I/O Adapter for D-Bus |
zeromq.h | I/O Adapter for D-Bus |