Elektra  0.8.17
elektra Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for elektra:


file  backend.c
 Everything related to a backend.
file  exportsymbols.c
 Export symbols tool.
file  internal.c
 Internal methods for Elektra.
file  kdb.c
 Low level functions for access the Key Database.
file  kdbenum.c
 dummy file do document the enums which have no name in the header file.
file  key.c
 Methods for Key manipulation.
file  keyhelpers.c
 Helpers for key manipulation.
file  keymeta.c
 Methods to do various operations on Key meta data.
file  elektra/keyname.c
 Methods for Key name manipulation.
file  keyset.c
 Methods for key sets.
file  keytest.c
 Methods for making tests.
file  keyvalue.c
 Methods for Key value manipulation.
file  mount.c
 Interna of mount functionality.
file  owner.c
 Obsolete owner methods.
file  elektra/plugin.c
 Interna of plugin functionality.
file  elektra/proposal.c
 Implementation of proposed API enhancements.
file  split.c
 Interna of splitting functionality.
file  trie.c
 Interna of trie functionality.